Commercial Construction
Synergy prides itself on the ability to meet all your plumbing requirements from start to finish, and being Mackay and surrounds total project solutions.
Synergy prides itself on its workmanship and quality and can perform all work associated with your commercial requirements.
Our core commercial activities are
- Fire & Water Mains
- Tradewaste
- Drainage & Plumbing
- Fire mains
- Water mains and backflow prevention
- Fire hydrant and booster assemblies
- Fire hose reels landing valves and dual pillar hydrant
- Council connections
- Remote watermeters
- Kitchen fit outs including gas
- Commercial sheds
- Sewer treatment systems
- Rainwater systems and tanks
- Drainage
- Roofing & Wall Cladding
- Sewer treatment and lift stations
- All your Plumbing requirements
- Ability to do all civil drainage installation of gross pollutant traps, hydracon and bio retention systems, oil separators grease converters, grease and silt traps and hdpe pipelines